M.Pharm. Clinical Pharmacy or Master of Pharmacy in Clinical Pharmacy is a postgraduate Pharmacy course. Clinical pharmacy is the branch of Pharmacy where pharmacists provide patient care that optimizes the use of medication and promotes health, wellness, and disease prevention. M.Pharm. Clinical Pharmacy is designed to prepare the pharmacist for an expanded role as a provider of direct patient care. Emphasis is given to path physiology, applied therapeutics, and pharmacy practice skills. The duration of the course is two years and also the syllabus is divided into two years. After completing M.Pharm. (Clinical Pharmacy) there are many job scopes for the candidates as it is career orienting in nature.

M.Pharm. Clinical Pharmacy Eligibility

  • Students who have passed their Bachelor of Pharmacy degree or B.Sc. Chemistry or Biology.

M.Pharm. Clinical Pharmacy Course Suitability

  • One must have an interest for science particularly life sciences and medicine. 
  • They should have an ability to put hard work, strong logical thinking, patience, a sense of responsibility, patient counselling skills are some of the qualities necessary for it. 
  • Those who have strong analytical abilities and strong academic foundations, successful medical representative, good communication skills are good suit for it. 
  • They should possess professional attitude, communication techniques and skills essential for health practitioners who wish to apply academic knowledge to practical situations are developed by participating in health care settings in the last professional year.

How is M.Pharm. Clinical Pharmacy Course Beneficial?

  • The course is beneficial as the field of pharmacy is vast and varied from simple drug dispensing to in-depth research, development and management. Hence pharmacy offers different types of education from Diploma, Research, Engineering and MBA, to meet all kinds of opportunities in drugs and pharmaceutical industries.
  • They can also go for further higher degrees for enhancing their educational qualification and getting promotions in jobs.


Students who have passed their Bachelor of Pharmacy degree or B.Sc. Chemistry or Biology.
  • M.Pharm. Clinical Pharmacy Syllabus

    Syllabus of Clinical Pharmacy as prescribed by various Universities and Colleges.

       Year I

    Sr. No.

    Subjects of Study


    Clinical Pharmacy Practice


    Clinical Pharmacokinetics


    Pharmacotherapeutics I


    Social Medicine and Bioethics


    Pharmacotherapeutics II


    Pharmacotherapeutics III


    Biostatistics and Research methods

       Year II


    Thesis I


    General Medicine Clerkship





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